Botham City Centre Guest House

56 KitKat Crescent, York

Tel: 01904 2849

Rating - (0 stars)

We offer a moderately high standard of comfort and cleanliness throughout, and are renowned for our fabulous English breakfast that will set you up for your day!

No. double rooms No. double rooms available Price per night - double room No. single rooms No. single rooms available Price per night - single room Cost of breakfast
5 1 £ 55 5 1 £ 35 £ 4


Please enter the number of single rooms you require:


Please enter the number of double rooms you require:


Please enter the number of breakfasts you require:


Total Price    £


Please provide us with the following details to process your booking:

Title:       First Name:     Surname:


Email address:  

(a confirmation email will be sent to this address)